Our friends, Autumn and Dan, recently returned from Ethiopia with their new baby daughter - Mezmur. They went through a long adoption process with patience, love, and grace. I am so happy that they are all finally together and thankful that they are in our lives.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Our friends, Autumn and Dan, recently returned from Ethiopia with their new baby daughter - Mezmur. They went through a long adoption process with patience, love, and grace. I am so happy that they are all finally together and thankful that they are in our lives.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Florida Family-Fest 09'
We had 2 fantastic days of family get together. We nearly had the whole clan together for eating, drinking, laughing, splashing, coloring and playing with legos. We are so blessed to have such a large and wonderful family. Truly our favorite part of visiting is when the cousins play together and we get to sit back and enjoy the show. Thanks to everybody for coming from near and far to get together with us.
Cousins Kirsten and Kylie holding down the lounge chairs
Uniformed grill-meisters
Everyone look in the sun...NOW
Aaron, Erica and Sienna
Laughing with Aunt Diana
"Cacuzzi" full of cousins
Virginia and Eric
Look out fish
Sitting on the dock of the canal
Can you hear me now?
Goodbye hugs
Fun in Fort Myers
We had lots of fun hanging out with Nana and Bobba in Fort Myers. We had great seats to The Red Sox vs the Orioles spring training game and Elliot came away with four signed baseballs. We also got to have dinner down on the field afterwards and meet some players. Our hearts are still with the Cubs but now we've got some folks to root for in the American league. Elliot got a great haircut from Tony the Italian barber. We also went for a paddle boat trip around the lake where we felt a little bit like gator bait.
Gators.. as close as you want em'
Loving on Nana
The "altar boy" courtesy of Tony
Hanging out behind the dugout looking to catch a ball
Checking out the view from the Red Sox dugout
Nana, Bobba, and sunshine
Fun in Punta Gorda
We had a great time with Grandpa George and Grandma Helen in Punta Gorda. We went for a nice sail on True Colors complete with Dolphins. Elliot's highlight included frosting Vegan cupcakes, picking avocados and oranges, and putt-put with Grandpa George.
Avocados the size of my head
Keeping a lookout from his perch
Miles is not keeping a lookout
Steering the boat all by himself
Thanks to Eric's friend "Schmekle" we got hooked up with free passes to Disney. Elliot had his first sleepover ever with his cousins Grant and Jack and then they joined us at the park the next morning. We spent the whole day at the Magic Kingdom and highlights included meeting Buzz Lightyear and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Pirate cousins
Captain Miles at the helm
Snuggles with Aunt Diana
Play-doh "chocolate zebra" by Aunt Virginia
Bonus Vacation!
We were all set to fly out Saturday but due to weather delays we were able to change our flight and stick around for a few extra days. After doing so much decided to just kick back and enjoy the sunshine. Miles recuperated from his ear infection, Elliot caught his first fish, and we all watched the space shuttle launch at sunset.
Catch of the day
Proud Captains
The proud captains got in trouble for staying out fishing too long :(
Back home at pre-school just in time for Space Week!
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