Growing up in Chicago, with a huge family, meant lots of laughter and a lot of LOVE. Even though we live far from Chicago, it is important to me to keep in touch with my aunts, uncles and cousins and to foster a loving relationship between them and my kids (not hard to do, though.)
It was wonderful to see my aunts/uncles...
...and wonderful to spend time with my cousins...
Cousin Jamal
Baseball with cousin Jono
Leafing through old pics with cousin Nina
Cousin Robyn and Lea playing peek-a-boo
Painting with cousin Adam
...and so special to play with my cousins kiddos. I have to admit I feel "old" when I hang out with my younger cousins and their children. I mean, I used to baby-sit for some of these cousins. Weird, ya know?
Playing house with cousin Lea
Cousin Michelle reading to Samantha and Miles
Photo opportunity of 4 out of the 5 great-grandchildren (Jakey below)
Miles loving on baby Jakey. He kept pointing to him and saying, "baby" over and over.
Ok, so here is where I really get sentimental, but for great reason. My Bubby has to be one of the strongest, most beautiful, kind, and beautiful (have I mentioned beautiful?) woman in the entire world. Seriously! She is a Holocaust survivor, a mother of 5 children, a grand-mother to 24 and a great-grandmother to 5. Bubby lives her life by following her heart and giving nothing but love. A great motto to live by. We love love love our Bubby.
Bubby love
All smiles
Playing the piano together
Playing catch with Bubby
Snuggling with baby J
Love fest with Samantha
Bubby and all of her great-grandkids
Tickle termites w/Bubby
Bubby w/the Browns
We had a nice vacation in Chicago. We packed a lot in and hope to be back for another visit sooner than later.