Monday, September 28, 2009

An eye for archeology...

One of Elliot's presents for his birthday was a dig kit.  It came with a chisel, goggles and other necessary tools to dig for dinosaur bones.  Elliot was pumped.
We started the project inside until we realized that all the little pieces of rock that E was chipping away at were flying every where.  Literally!  

So we moved the project outside.  It took him at least a couple of hours to get to this point.  He has yet to finish his dig.
Xander was playing with the camera the other night and got these shots.

My first...

I sold my first commissioned painting the other day. It felt great, but a bit nerve-wrecking as well.  I had a lot of fun making the painting below for an old friends daughter.  I went to their house to see the colors of her room and had ideas of a color scheme with-in minutes.  They wanted a big painting to go over her desk.  We settled on a 2' by 3'.

I think the painting turned out well and I was excited to drop it off the other day.  I have to say, I was a bit nervous too.  Would they like it?  Is it what they were expecting?  Do they like the colors I chose?  All these questions were running through my mind, a million times over, until I saw their faces.  I really do feel they like the painting (at least they acted like they did.)

Do you?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Video of Rocket Launch at E's Party

A quick snip-it of the bottle rocket launch by one of Elliot's friends.

Happy Jewish New Year and Happy Birthday, Elliot

We welcomed the Jewish new year with temple, apples and honey and Elliot's birthday.  

Elliot is thrilled to be 5, but said he was sad to say good-bye to 4.  I asked him how being 5 felt and he said, "it feels like I am 20."  There you have it.

We decided to have a small party for him on Sunday with a couple of his closest buds.  Some preparation was needed.  

As most of you all know, Elliot is really into space.  He insisted on having a space party - so he did.

Xander made rockets (more on that later)
I made some Saturn planets (more on that later)
Party time
Elliot all suited up & awaiting guests (one hour early).  He was so excited.

We had a couple of different activities for the kids such as balloons, decorating water bottle rockets (to be launched, of course), Saturn, reading nook w/space books to learn important facts about space, paint by number, and a Pinata.
Balloon time
Decorating his rocket

Xander created some hand-made water bottle rockets for the kids.  They were a big hit, everyone had a turn and lots of fun.
Elliot helping Miles pump up the rocket
Bottle rocket ready for blast off and being pumped ...
... and Blast Off!!   If you look closely you can see the rocket.
Painting by numbers
Reading nook
Saturn decorating
Some completed Saturns'
Rocket cake
Rhett, all suited-up, waiting patiently for...
... a turn to bash the Pinata (or pinasco, piato, or whatever Elliot can think of at the time)
Miles taking a swing
The remains of Pinata space-dude

Thank you to everyone, near and far, for all of your presents and cards.  We ALL appreciate your love and generosity. 

We had a great weekend. 
We welcome the Jewish new year by reflecting on last year and thinking about how we can be better people, make positive change in our community and world and spread the love. 

We also welcome our 5 year old boy.  Wow,  5 - I can hardly believe it.  I get a little weepy just thinking about how big he is getting.  Crazy, because I remember his birth in all its glory as if it were just yesterday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A New Desk & A New Tadpole

"What to do with my new desk?", he says

"I will write a story about baseball!"
I think you can read his story if you click on the pic to enlarge it.  I have to admit that I skipped some parts for I couldn't keep up with the all the words coming my way.

Grandma Helen had purchased a Grow-your-own frog for Elliot and we received the tadpole today.
We are proud to introduce, Elli (Elliot named him.  Can you tell?)
Elli is safely placed where these 2 rugrats can not hurt it.  The picture was taken super quick b/c Miles was ready to pounce and he is quick.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

I have been feeling the need to paint and create mosaics a lot lately.  
Maybe it is an obsession - I don't know.

Anywho, here are some new ones that will hopefully sell at the next art event.

Poppies in orange
Little black bird
Poppies in blue
Midnight flower
Good morning


I will probably start selling on line, after this next show.  I will keep y'all posted.

My kind of town... Part 1

Going to Chicago is always an adventure.  We packed a lot in on our visit, but it was all worth it.

We had to go to a Cubs game, of course.  Elliot was soooo excited and it was all he talked about for weeks - before and after the trip.  We went with Savta and Uncles Yossi and Uncle David. Even though they lost, it was awesome!

Elliot hoping for a ball to come his way.
Uncle David explaining to Elliot why this seat is famous.

Can you see the happiness in his face?

We knew we were only in town for a week, so we tried to pack in some Chicago sightseeing Brown-town style and I think we did a great job with 2 little peeps with us.
Elliot admiring a totem pole from British Columbia along the lake side near Uncle Yossi's apartment.
Enjoying a picnic lunch by Lake Michigan
Watching a sailboat race.
The 2nd day we were in town, Elliot and Xander took a walk to Wrigley Field (only 6 blocks from Uncle Yossi's.)  Apparently it was meant to be.  There was a reporter at Wrigley taking pictures for a story on the franchises new owners.  He took their picture, but Xander thought nothing of it.  The next day, Xander bought the Chicago Tribune newspaper and there they were on page two.  Super cool, ay?

We took the kids to Lincoln Park Zoo.  It is a beautifully landscaped zoo in the heart of Chicago and the best part is that it is FREE.
Elliot and Miles enjoying a ride on the "choo-choo"
Checking out the Red Kangaroo with Uncle Yossi and Savta
Miles enjoying the view.
Looking at...
Da Boyz
Walking w/dada
Watching a rover at the Alder Planetarium 
Miles circling the sun

Savta was really excited to see all of us and made sure she saw us at least every day we were in town.
Singing "Ring around the Rosy"
Savta made us pancakes the last day we were in town.
Loving on Miles
Smiling with Elliot

Making Elliot laugh (he really LOVES his Savta)

Uncle Yossi and Uncle David live in Chicago and the boys were super excited to play with them. 
Yossi showing Miles how to use a blackberry.  Why not learn when you are 20 months, right?
Uncle Yossi chillin' w/Miles
Uncle David and Elliot laughing it up
Uncle David and Miles in bliss
Same expression - I love it!
         Snuggling with the Yossi

Uncle Yossi was so sweet and let us stay at his condo in the city (more like "take over" his condo.)  He is a great uncle with a huge heart!  Thanks again Uncle Ya Ya - we love you.

We loved seeing Savta and Uncle David, too, and love you both so much.  The boys talk about you all the time.  

Look below for Part 2.