Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Tu-Tu

We celebrated Miles's 2nd birthday a couple of weeks ago, with a low key family dinner and cake. Elliot was really excited about his birthday and was practicing the "happy birthday" song with him.  When Miles sings it though, he says "happy tu-tu to you."

We thank everyone for their phone calls, cards and presents.  It is wonderful to have such wonderful and loving family and friends.

Here is a little video for y'all.  
Side-note:  Miles acts like he doesn't like the cake I made for him, but he actually did.  He asked for more afterwards, and days following, but that isn't on video, of course.  It's true, really!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009 **EDITED**

Oh, Halloween...
There is usually a 2 week build-up to Halloween around here at the Brown home.  From picking out the perfect pumpkin, design/carving  the pumpkin, getting our costumes together and of course, trick-or-treating around the hood.

One of my favorite things about Halloween is carving the pumpkin.  I love the creativity that we put into it, roasting the pumpkin seeds and lighting our creation outside.  

Elliot and Miles were both really into it this year. 

Miles helping Elliot with his pumkin
Elliot helping Xander scoop out the seeds for roasting
Elliot carving out his design
The finished products
The pumpkins all lit-up

Elliot was not sure about what he wanted to be for Halloween, so I assumed he would just wear one of the many dress-up clothes we have around here.  A couple of days before Halloween, he said, "Mom, I know what I want to be for Halloween. I want you to sew me a storm-trooper costume from Star Wars with a helmet."  Really????  In 2 days.  


I probably could have sewn the costume, but daddy came home with a light saber for Elliot and plans changed. Elliot then decided he would be Anakin Skywalker and I should make that costume.  We had it mostly put together. I was going to sew him a brown cloak when we where out shopping for some provisions and we saw an Anakin costume for 40% off.  It wasn't too cheesy and b/c of time limitations we bought it.  Phew...

** The most interesting part of the whole costume debacle is that Elliot has never seen Star Wars and probably won't for another year or two.  He has heard about the movie from friends and has seen a book from a buddy, but he knows ALL about it and remembers ALL of the details.**

Miles wore the doggy costume Elliot wore when he was 2
Elliot using the "force"
Elliot and Ronan gearing up for some trick-or-treating
A few of our neighborhood gang out and about
Miles just had a blast walking around and following the big kids, until he realized what was going into those pals.  He was biting off the wrappers just to get to the chocolate or candy.  A little frightening, really.