We don't really "celebrate" Valentine's Day, but its name is a hallmark in todays society and even 5 year olds know what it is.
At Elliot's school they called it "friendship day" and he came home with colored hearts for me and Xander, as well as, cards from his school friends. Pretty cute, right?
So, naturally, he wanted to make cards for the actual day with me and Xander.
I was greeted with the cards below on Sunday from Elliot and Miles and flowers from my hubby. Super sweet.
Elliot wanted to make something special for his daddy.
Elliot and Xander were invited to the Monster Truck Show for a b-day festivity. They had box seats and were pumped. It must be a guy thing.
We finished the weekend with a zoo visit (well the boys did at least - I was getting ready to sell some jewelry at a local store here in town. More on that in another post soon.) with some friends who visited from Bend.
A pic of Miles and Kellen who apparently have the same hat, are only a couple days apart in age and who are both stinking CUTE!
Yes, it was a busy weekend, but a fun one and definitely filled with love!