For a couple of months now, Elliot has been requesting a Star Wars/Lego birthday party. When asked what that entailed, he would just reply with "you know, a star wars/lego party." Hmm... So Xander and I began to do some research.
There is a lot of information out there in cyber space, but we went with our own ideas on this one.
The night before Elliot's birthday, he was up until 10 p.m. (when he is usually asleep by 7) and so excited. He was so excited and heard the makings of his party outside of his room and needed to see.

This was the mission itinerary for all the Jedi's.

These were the hand-made gold felt medals (by me) for each Jedi after completing all the tasks. The front had the rebel alliance symbol and the back with the child's first initial. It was a hit!

Xander cutting out the symbols to hide in each asteroid (with a lego guy) and to be placed on a lego bin so each child can build their ship.

The hand-selected lego bins (a marvelous job by Xander) from Elliot's stock of legos. Each child will then build a ship from their bin.

Elliot requested a double-sided light saber as his cake. I came up with this! It was yummy for a gluten free, dairy free, egg free light saber.

The party has begun. Each child has received their mission, found their asteroid, collected their bins and are working on their ships. It was so quiet in the room. We were all amazed at how hard they worked. The only thing we heard were their lil voices humming along with the Star Wars music in the background.

The completed ships. They ALL did a great job!

Next job was to color their X-Wing (after a brief introduction and history from Xander, of course.)

Listening to Xander on how they were to "pin the X-Wing on the Death Star (a.k.a my old yoga ball)"

Elliot in action

More ....

Next it was cup-cake (I mean light saber) eating time with Yoda Soda (lime-aid w/ice cream)

Back to business. Destroying (deflating) the Death Star.

Mission completed and medals dispersed.

Light Saber pose.

A little Star Wars soccer to get some energy out and the party was over. Wow!

Two sleepy lil' boys who love to snuggle in one of their beds. It was a great day. Happy birthday to my sweet 6 year old Elliot!!!! Love you.