Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Singing Duo

Miles is very fond of his big brother Elliot and wants to do whatever he does.  Miles can have 20 toys out for him to play with, but will ignore all of them if Elliot is playing with something else.  I guess wanting to do whatever the "older one" is doing starts pretty early and Elliot is handling this new phenomenon pretty well.  Elliot is learning to ask for help (from me or Xander) if Miles crawls on over and takes something he has been working on instead of just getting upset or angry.  This happens frequently so he gets plenty of practice (poor kiddo.) Anyway, here is a great example of  Elliot singing and playing music and Miles jumping right in on the fun.


Uncle Mikey said...

Today's Simon & Garfunkel

Ackattacks said...

Way too cute. I loved it and have watched it 3 times already! They are hilarious and both sooo talented! Please bring them to Chicago again. PLEASE!