Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Snow Birthday

Snow doesn't fall often in Portland (maybe once a year), but this year it so happened to fall on my birthday - yay!  I do miss the snow and was so happy to see the white flakes falling from the sky.

I awoke in the morning to all 3 of my beautiful guys singing happy birthday to me carrying some hand-made pictures that they drew with watercolor crayons.  Elliot made me a couple pf pictures of flowers and he and I holding hands.  Super sweet.

Later in the afternoon , Saba came to watch the boys while Xander and I went to a restaurant called, The Tin Shed, to hang some of my paintings and mirrors for the month of January (pictures to come.)  It is pretty exciting to see my work up on walls, other than my own, and I think it really looks good (if I must say so myself.)

The snow really began to fall in the late afternoon.  We came home to Saba, Elliot and Miles building a snowman in the backyard.  We then had a neighborhood snowball fight, warmed up and got the kids ready for a babysitter so Xander and I can go out for dinner with some friends. 

All in all it was a great birthday and a great way to spend the 3rd to last day of 2009.  Unfortunately, the snow melted the next day and we are back to rain, but I am hopeful and wishing for more snow in 2010.

1 comment:

Autumn and Dan's family said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a great day! I'm sorry we couldn't make it. :(