Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pasach and Uncle Yossi

Miles loves all bread products and Matzah is no exception. We had a nice short family seder (two year olds don't like to sit and listen while the food gets cold). Elliot is old enough to get into the story and the blessings and of course the hiding of the afi-kommen. Miles really gets into the matzah. The best part of passover this year was a visit from Uncle Yossi.
Uncle Yossi got here just in time for T-ball opening day. A typically wet, cold spring day in Portland.
He and Elliot wrote a story about going to the moon.
The boys made out like bandits with White Sox hats, shirts and Elliot even got a personalized autograph from Gordon Beckham the White Sox third baseman. But I think their favorite gift was getting to hang out with Uncle Yossi.

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