Thursday, June 11, 2009

E & M Videos

It has been a long time since we posted any videos, so here are 2 in a row.  Elliot and Miles love to sing and dance whenever they get a chance - especially if daddy is in the room facilitating such a thing.

Miles is talking up a storm, but we can not understand 98% of what he is talking about.  Can you?


Ackattacks said...

Wow- way too cute! I love Miles's talking! And Elliot, you are an awesome dancer! XOXOXOXOXO

The Ebner Family said...

I understand every word of what Miles has to say... He is saying he misses his beautiful cousins Samantha and Lea Yael in Chicago and would like to go visit. C'mon Tali!!

and frozen corn, huh?? Now how do you prepare that?!? Can you send me a recipe? Love and miss you!