Monday, June 15, 2009

Playmobil & Strawberry Fields Forever...

When Xander was young he had an obsession with Playmobils. This inherit gene was past on to Elliot and now Miles.  Miles watches Elliot (& Xander for that matter) with alert eyes and copies their every move.  Miles can make the little figures fly, talk, and hurdle in to one another as if he has been playing with these little guys for years. Amazing this play starts so young.

On another note (yet something the Brown men obsess about) strawberries are in.  Though we have quiet a few in our garden, it is our family tradition to pick our own at Kruger Farms.  We ventured out to Sauvie Island with our baskets, empty stomachs and pails in tow.  

We had a blast, of course, and the kids were in strawberry heaven.  Miles and Elliot were the strawberry czars.  They ate them faster than we could pick so we had to pick up the pace. They sure know how to keep us parents in line.

Playmobils all in a row
howdy folks
Miles picking from one of our strawberry patches
Elliot picking from one of Kruger Farms strawberry patches

Picking (& sampling) w/Elliot
Check out our score, yo!
So, what will we do w/our 20 pounds of strawberries?  Traditionally we make jam, but that is Xander's department and he left for the canyon today (more posts about that coming soon.)  
So far we have made strawberry and mint juice (served as is our on the rocks w/a splash of rum), smoothies, strawberry and vanilla ice cream yumminess, and these below.  I got the recipe for the crust from Angry Chicken and filled them with our strawberries.  Baked it for 15 minutes and shabang.  These were good warm with ice cream for dessert and yummy a la cart for breakfast in the morning.

A strawberry tart of sorts.
I think a strawberry-rhubarb pie is next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm..... i can't wait to head to krugers this year! those handpies look fanastically yummy! we are having fun here, but are looking forward to getting back to portland!